Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Ok folks, so yesterday when I got to school, the power was out! Which meant, no blogging. So today I have a lot to share.

Here are some photos from your Continents project presentation! Those of you who have presented so far did a wonderful job! You touched on the 5 themes of Geography: Movement, Location, Region, Human-Environment Interactions, and Place. Good job!

Our Magic Rocks have finished growing! The blue rock was the tallest... until I broke it. Sorry! Now the green- "the late bloomer" is the tallest.

Here is what you hypothesized:

Colton: Explosion 
Brittany: The stones will dissolve and change the color of the water. 
Anthoni: The water will fuzz and the stones will break.

We did the procedure of the experiment, identified the variables, and recorded the results. Now I want you to confirm or deny your hypothesis in your conclusion statements.

Then go to Lord of the Flies Chapter 5 watch the summary and respond.


  1. Good job Brittany, the reaction between the "mixture", the water, and the rocks caused the rocks to grow.
