Ch. 14 & 15 Summary

Student Chapter Summaries:

In chapter 14 Jonas can feel the pain. In this memory Jonas was terrified because he can feel how his leg twisted and he can hear the crack of bone. Then when he woke up he saw that he was in the Annex room and his face was wet with tears he was terrified, but he can feel that his leg was able to move. Then Jonas remembers that the elder told him that he was brave.
Then the Giver game to Jonas a memory of sail on a blue-green lake and orange sunset between the mountains. Then the Giver told him about why they have those kinds of memories. The Giver told him that memories give them the wisdom and they can advise the elder when they need them. Then he went back to home and his parents were discussing about Gabriel that don’t let them to sleep well. The Jonas told them that he could care Gabriel for that night. Then Jonas transmits to Gabriel the memory of the ocean but he knows that he wasn’ the Giver yet.

In Chapter 15 Jonas found the Giver in pain, and the Giver asked him to take some of that pain away. The Giver transmitted the memory of a battlefield. Jonas felt that pain and could give water to a soldier who was hurt at the battle, and then Jonas saw the soldier die. All around the field was full of horses, cannons, and bleed people.