Monday, June 30, 2014

Help! My teacher is missing!

Help! Your teacher has gone missing! Respond in the comment box what you think may have happened to her! Is she sick? On vacation? Captured by aliens?! You decide!

After you've completed your response, go to Lord of the Flies Chapter 2 summary page, watch the video, and answer the questions in the comment box.

On Wednesday we have our field trip to the dam, please make sure you wear sneakers in case we go hiking, bring your swim suit, a towel, and pack a cold lunch! Should be some fun in the sun!

                                              Miss Ethel being rather awesome.

Happy Monday!

Good Morning! Just wanted to remind you that your continents projects will be coming up quickly so please make sure you are making time to do the research that's necessary.

Here is the list of assigned continents:

Brittany- Antarctica
Trenton- Australia
Logan- Europe
Colton- South America

For your morning blog I want you to visit the page "Lord of the Flies Chapter Summaries" and watch the video for Chapter 1. Comment on whether you enjoyed watching the video or not, if it lined up with the events in the book, and if it helped you to recall information from the reading.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! For today, I would like you to visit the PANGEA page and respond to the post on there. After you make your comment and publish it, respond to a peers comment on ANY of the pages/post on our blog.

Today is our field trip to the Earth and Mineral Science Museum, how excited are you?!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Heads up, field trip coming up!

So this week we have our first field trip to the Earth & Minerals Science Museum! We did a whole unit on Minerals towards the end of the regular school year as well as a unit on the Rock Cycle! Our review today on minerals was a little rough so let's review one more time.

Mineral: A naturally formed, inorganic solid that has a definite crystalline structure.
Elements: Pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means.

Is it a mineral? By asking the following four questions, you can tell whether an object is a mineral or not.
1.) Is it nonliving material?
2.) Is it a solid?
3.) Does it have a crystalline structure?
4.) Is it formed in nature?

Atoms: The smallest part of an element that has all the properties of that element.
Compound: A substance made of two or more elements that have been chemically joined or bonded.
Crystals: Solid, geometric forms of minerals produced by a repeating pattern of atoms or molecules.

Two Groups of Minerals: Silicate and Nonsilicate.
Silicate: Minerals that contain a combination of silicon and oxygen.
Nonsilicate: Minerals that do not contain a combination of the elements silicon and oxygen.

Identifying minerals:
Luster: The way the surface reflects light.
Streak: Color of a mineral in powdered form.
Cleavage: The tendency of some minerals to break along smooth, flat surfaces.
Fracture: The tendency of some minerals to break along curved or irregular surfaces.
Hardness: Mohs Hardness Scale is used to determine the minerals resistance to being scratched.

Answer the following questions in the comment box:

 1. Which of the following is NOT true about a mineral? 
 a. It is a solid. 
 b. It has a crystalline structure. 
 c. It is not a living thing. 
 d. It is made in a lab. 

 2. What is the smallest part of an element called? 
 a. an atom 
 b. a native element 
 c. a compound 
 d. a crystal 

 3. What is a substance made of two or more chemically bonded elements 
 a. an atom 
 b. a native element 
 c. a compound 
 d. a crystal 

 4. Which of the following is NOT true of crystals? 
 a. They are solids. 
 b. They have a geometric form. 
 c. They are alive. 
 d. They have a repeating inner structure. 

 5. What two groups are minerals divided into? 
 a. atoms and compounds 
 b. crystals and solids 
 c. silicate minerals and nonsilicate minerals 
 d. hard minerals and soft minerals 

 Also, what are your thoughts on our upcoming field trip? Are you excited? Do you think it will be fun or boring? Are you hoping to learn something new? Tell me in the comment section along with your answers.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Lord of the Flies!

This week we are going to start our new book, Lord Of The Flies by William Golding! Have you heard of it before? Some of you may have but I know most of you have not.

 Watch this short introductory video and tell me what you think on your page!

 Lord Of The Flies Introduction

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Welcome to ESY!!

Hello and Welcome back! I hope everyone had a lovely two weeks off for a little summer vaca. I sure enjoyed my time setting up our NEW classroom! How awesome is our new school? Let me know what ya think on your page...

This is my first time EVER doing ESY and I am SO excited! I have a lot of fun field trips planned for us and a pretty awesome lay out for our lessons, if I do say so myself. : )

I want you to tell me about your thoughts on the new building, what you think about ESY, what you've been doing with your summer, and something you would like to learn about this summer. Respond on your own page and be sure to comment on someone else's response!

Carry on!