Sunday, September 7, 2014


Good Morning!

Over the weekend I was able to go over your posts from the Chapter Summaries for our class novel. Overall, you guys did a nice job.

We need to remember to use capitalization when starting a sentence and punctuation when ending a sentence.

Also, use complete sentences. When you write "no that would be weird", I get confused... What is weird? Why are you telling me no? This is called a fragment sentence. Sentences require a subject (who or what) and a predicate (what is happening).

Lastly, punctuation is critical! Are you saying it as a statement requiring just a period (.) or is that suppose to be an exclamatory sentence requiring an exclamation point (!).

Make sure you have headphones on and watch the video below on how to write a complete sentence.


After you have finished watching the video, go back and read the comments I left for you on your posts for the chapter summaries 1-3. Respond to my comment or to another peer's post utilizing the techniques from the video.

See me if you have any questions!

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