Giver Ch. 7 & 8 Summary

Wow! Chapter 7 was very exciting for us as readers but terrifying for Jonas as our main character.

They we were sitting in the auditorium for the Ceremony of Twelves, and they are counting out the numbers of children leading to Jonas, and then he was skipped! Jonas went into a panic concerned if maybe they skipped him because they did not have an assignment suitable for him. He was scared that he had disgraced his family in the presence of the community. His anxiety continues to mount as we continue to her the job assignments given to his fellow peers.

In Chapter 8 we learned that Jonas was not assigned anything but he was SELECTED. He was selected to be the Receiver of Memories. Jonas was warned that he would experience indescribable pain. Jonas was selected for this position because he had the characteristics they search for in the Receiver: Intelligence, Integrity, and Courage. While Jonas was on the stage, he looked out at the audience and they had changed just as the apple had down the one day at the recreation center. The community began to chant Jonas' name over and over.

What type of indescribable pain do you think Jonas will experience?


  1. What I think Jonas will have to experience is where he has all of the heart breaks and pain of the birth-mothers and all the pain he has had in his life like slamming his finger in the door. The receiver in my opinion is the person who receives the pain so that is where he will have all of the community.

  2. well if I were Jonas I would very upset because I didn't get a job .he is probably very upset because he didn't get an assignment

    1. The pain of not having a job... interesting point.

